All Light, All Face, All Eye (Macarius the Great)

  1. The blessed prophet Ezekiel relates a glorious and inspired vision or apparition which he saw, and his description is that of a vision full of mysteries unspeakable. He saw in the plain a chariot of Cherubim, four spiritual living creatures. Each living creature had four faces, one the face of a lion, another the face of an eagle, another the face of a calf, and the fourth the face of a human being. To every face there were wings, so that there were no hinder parts to any of them. Their backs were full of eyes; their bellies likewise were thick set with eyes; there was no part about them that was not full of eyes. There were also wheels to every face, wheel within wheel. In the wheels there was a Spirit. And Ezekiel saw as it were the likeness of a man, and under his feet as it were a work of sapphire. The Cherubim-chariot[1] and the living creatures bore the Master who rode upon them. Wheresoever He chose to go, it was with face forward. Beneath the Cherubim he saw as it were a man’s hand supporting and carrying.
  2. And this that the prophet saw was in substance true and certain, but it signified and foreshadowed something else, mysterious and divine a mystery hidden verily from ages and from generations[2] but in the last times made manifest[3] Sit the appearing of Christ. The mystery which he beheld was that of the soul, that was to receive her Lord, and to become a throne of glory[4] for Him. For the soul that is privileged to be in communion with the Spirit of His light, and is irradiated by the beauty of the unspeakable glory of Him who has prepared her to be a seat and a dwelling for Himself, becomes all light, all face, all eye; and there is no part of her that is not full of the spiritual eyes of light. That is to say, there is no part of her darkened, but she is all throughout wrought into light and spirit, and is full of eyes all over, and has no such thing as a back part, but in every direction is face forward, with the unspeakable beauty of the glory of the light of Christ mounted and riding upon her. As the sun is of one like- ness all over, without any part behind or inferior, but is all glorified with light throughout, and is, indeed, all light, with no difference between the parts, or as fire, the very light of the fire, is alike all over, having in it no first or last, or greater or less, so also the soul that is perfectly irradiated by the unspeakable beauty of the glory of the light of the face of Christ, and is perfectly in communion with the Holy Ghost, and is privileged to be the dwelling-place and throne of God, becomes all eye, all light, all face, all glory, all spirit, being made so by Christ, who drives, and guides, and carries, and bears her about, and graces and adorns her thus with spiritual beauty; for it says, the hand of a man was under the Cherubim,[5] because He it is that is carried upon her and directs her.
From Saint Macarius the Great, Fifty Spiritual Homilies (trans. A. J. Mason) (Willits, CA: Eastern Orthodox Books, 1074).

[1] Ezekiel does not use the word “chariot” in ch. i., but it occurs in the LXX at ch. xliii. c
[2] Col. i. 26.
[3] i Pet. i. 20.
[4] Matt. xxv. 31.
[5] In Ezek. i. 8 the LXX has ” And the hand of a man was under their wings upon their four sides.” Macarius understands the ” man ” to be Christ.

تبرع لمساندة أنشطة الدير ونشكر أي مساهمة منكم مهما كانت صغيرة.

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برع لمساندة أنشطة الدير ونشكر أي مساهمة منكم مهما كانت صغيرة.

و يمكنكم التبرع لمشروع إخوة الرب وهو مشروع لمعونة الأيتام والفقراء (مشروع الملاك ميخائيل) أسسه الأب متى المسكين ويعوله دير القديس أنبا مقار.

Donate to support the Monastery’s activities or for the “Archangel Michael Coptic Care” program which helps orphans and needy people in Egypt.
“Archangel Michael Coptic Care” has been registered in the USA to serve and help the poor of Egypt in a significant way. Our Tax ID # is: 43-1957120. Your contribution is all TAX DEDUCTIBLE. You will receive a yearly report of your contribution for your tax record. Please write the check to: Archangel Michael Coptic Care. Mail your check to: P.O. Box # 1574, Centreville, VA 20122, USA or donate with credit card or Paypal.